Little Spoon

Building A Business You Really Love

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Building a Business You Really Love

Everyone got a passion in something. We’re sure you do, too. There’s a thing or two that never fail to make your eyes spark and your heart flutter with excitement. The question is, is it possible to merge your passion into your work? Imagine how wonderful would it be to build a business empire based on something that you truly love! This June we’re having three badass ladies, Audria Evelinn from Indonesia, Monique Doughty from States, and Annika Luise from Germany to share their stories about how they managed to turn their passion into a source of living, stating a whole new level of work-life balance. Come to share your questions and ideas, whilst networking with other lady bosses. We are bringing back this really cool event to celebrate the amazing women who are building fantastic businesses in Dojo!


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The Lady Boss:

Audria Evelinn set foot in improving Indonesia’s local food system by reconciling the connection between farmers and consumers by empowering community based agriculture programs, as well as by the practice of hands-on education to individuals and communities. Her academic background in Urban Sustainability ( B.A, Seattle University Washington, USA), Growing Power’s Sustainable farming program (Milwaukee, USA), and an ongoing Food Studies & Tourism Master Program at Le Cordon Blue (Gold Coast, Australia) has helped her to set up Little Spoon Farm, a vegetable greenhouse farm and an online platform for a direct farm harvest orders in Bali.

From her greenhouse she share knowledge of sustainable methods in growing high value crops that fits in the tropical climate. And, through her online platform operations, she aims to facilitate market access for local farmers to consumers and vice versa, and create a community of farmer- consumer to achieve a common goal of a connected food system. Audria’s work also aims to increase economical benefit for local farmers who are conversing to organic methods, making the food systems more socially and ecologically friendly. She believes each individual consumption when multiplied by many, leaves a long journey of significant ecological footprints on earth. When a mindful connection between the seed and the plate is established, then the ecological healing process can begin. She see harvests of vegetables and fruits not only as a source of nourishment and medicine for people, yet also as a connection between our humanity and the natural world.


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Little Spoon


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